Hello All,
I'm a congenital amputee and in the last couple of years I've been having a lot of trouble with my one hand. I've pretty much lost the ability to grip without severe pain. I really miss cooking! I'm wondering if there's a knife, or knife handle attachment that would allow me to chop things with the heel of my hand, rather than gripping with my fingers? Thank you!
Hey, sorry for not responding before. Honestly my design did not work out as intended. But recently I saw this design and I was reminded of this. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:108567 I also found this https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1101205 If you want this design, I can 3d print it for you and mail it to you. I am sorry for my supper late reply.
Okay great, I am working on getting this idea working. I printed it out, but I need to change some parameters before its working. I will keep you posted, and I will ask questions if I have any.
Hello Nicole, I am starting to test out some ideas that I have for this. What Size knife would you be using? A 7 inch chef knife is what I am going to use for the assuming knife size that you would be using.
Hi Nicole! Yes we are working on attachments for cooking, so far we have an early working prototype of an attachment for frying pan handle. Soon we'll have interns from SUNY University and I make sure one of the first assignments is the knife!